Immediate Offsprings of Cattleya Good Fairy

Immediate offsprings of Cattleya Good Fairy

Immediate offsprings of Cattleya Good Fairy

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Cattleya Kasuga Cattleya Good Fairy Cattleya Edgar Omura
Cattleya Michiko Cattleya Good Fairy Cattleya Rich Robin
Cattleya Okay Cattleya Mrs. Frederick Knollys Cattleya Good Fairy
Cattleya Shellie Compton Cattleya Stephen Oliver Fouraker Cattleya Good Fairy 2
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Yen Jitt Rhyncholaeliocattleya Ewart McDonald Cattleya Good Fairy
Cattleya Yam Chuti Cattleya Michael Collins Cattleya Good Fairy