Immediate Offsprings of Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo

Immediate offsprings of Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo

Immediate offsprings of Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Rhyncattleanthe Taiwan E-Sun Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Rhyncholaeliocattleya Kat E-Sun
Rhyncattleanthe Taiwan Soprano Rhyncholaeliocattleya Haw Yuan Beauty Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo
Rhyncattleanthe Taiwan Yoyo Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Rhyncholaeliocattleya Kuan-Miao Chen
Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Sweet Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Cattlianthe Little Fairy
Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Pinup Rhyncholaeliocattleya Tzeng-Wen Beauty Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo
Volkertara Vigour Glory Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Guaricattonia Sogo Doll 1
Rhyncattleanthe Hsinying Toshiyo Rhyncholaeliocattleya Toshie Aoki Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo
Rhyncattleanthe Kina Riikiton Rhyncattleanthe Young-Min Orange Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo
Rhyncattleanthe Cosmic Star Cattleya Love Bourbon Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo 4
Rechingerara Pauka'a Margayoyo Laeliocattleya Graf's Margarita Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo 1
Rhyncattleanthe Glos' Charming Sunburst Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Rhyncattleanthe Shin Shiang Love
Rhyncattleanthe Precious Stones-Ahchung Yoyo Cattleya Precious Stones Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo 1