List of Lycaste macrobulbon offsprings

Offsprings of Lycaste macrobulbon

Offsprings of Lycaste macrobulbon

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct images
Lycaste Lion Heart Lycaste Leo Lycaste Princess Takamado 31%
Lycaste Princess Takamado's Pride Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Princess Takamado 31%
Lycaste Yatsu Celebration Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Katsuragawa 34%
Anglyda Okanogan Lycaste Loftus Anglyda Jim Riopelle 38%
Lycaste Banana Pine Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito Lycaste Hamana Leo 38%
Lycaste Phoebe Lycaste brevispatha Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Angulocaste Scorpio Angulocaste Jupiter Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Leo Lycaste Balliae Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Anglyda Jim Riopelle Anglyda Tudor Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Diana Burritt Lycaste virginalis Lycaste macrobulbon 50% 1
Lycaste Pluto Lycaste Midas Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Angulocaste Whatcroft Anguloa clowesii Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Memoria Bill Congleton Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Angulocaste Argonaut Angulocaste Apollo Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycida Betty Sparrow Lycida Brugensis Lycaste macrobulbon 50% 2
Lycaste Hamana Jason Lycaste Jason Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Hamana Leo Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton Lycaste Leo 50%
Lycaste Walnut Valley Lycaste Leo Lycaste Hamana Jason 50%
Lycaste Chorus Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Moonlight Lycaste Yoko's Sister Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Leo Lycaste Diana Burritt 50% 1
Lycaste Flare Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 50%
Lycaste Candibulbon Lycaste candida (syn) Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Walnut Valley Mac's Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste macrophylla 50%
Lycaste Jan Ragan Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Oro Columbiano 50%
Lycida Juanito Cordero Ida fragans (syn) Lycaste macrobulbon 50% 1
Lycaste Spring Holidays Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste campbellii 50%
Lycaste Arashiyama Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Shoalhaven 50%
Lycaste Agnette Lycaste schilleriana Lycaste macrobulbon 50% 8
Lycaste Mad Chita Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Chita Melody 50%
Lycaste Liberty Vanilla Spray Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Strawberry Fizz 50%
Lycida Liberty Peach Glow Lycaste macrobulbon Lycida Geyser Gold 50%
Lycaste Beauport Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Bouley Bay 50%
Lycaste Beauport Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Bouley Bay 50%
Lycaste Imadegawa Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste macrobulbon 50%
Lycaste Carolina Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Fruity Orange 50%
Lycaste Florida Gold Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Golden Emperor 56%