Immediate Offsprings of Galeandra stangeana

Immediate offsprings of Galeandra stangeana

Immediate offsprings of Galeandra stangeana

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Galeandra Beth Stubbings Galeandra baueri Galeandra pubicentrum (syn)
Galeandra Gary Chanson Galeandra Sandy Stubbings Galeandra stangeana
Galeandra Stanbaudon Galeandra stangeana Galeandra baueri
Galeandra Pink Mist Galeandra batemanii Galeandra stangeana 1
Cycgalenodes Jumbo Megastar Cycnodes Wine Delight Galeandra stangeana
Cycnandra Jumbo Hundred Cycnoches Kevin Clarke Galeandra stangeana