List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Abeillia Bonaparte emerald-chinned hummingbird 1
Abroscopus Baker warbler 11
Aburria L. Reichenbach wattled guan 2
Acanthis Borkhausen redpoll 17
Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield striated thornbill 29
Acanthorhynchus Gould Spinebill 13
Accipiter Brisson goshawk, sparrowhawk 87
Aceros Hodgson Rufous-necked hornbill 8
Acridotheres Vieillot myna 38
Acritillas Oberholser yellow-browed bulbul, golden-browed bulbul 7
Acrocephalus J. A. Naumann and J. F. Naumann marsh warblers, reed warblers 27
Acropternis Cabanis & Heine ocellated tapaculo 2
Acryllium Gray, GR vulturine guineafowl 3
Actenoides Bonaparte kingfisher 17
Actinodura Gould barwing 23
Actitis Illiger wader 10
Actophilornis Oberholser jacanas 12
Aechmophorus Coues 16
Aegithalos Hermann songbird, bushtit 39
Aegithina Vieillot Common iora 16
Aegolius Kaup owl 11
Aegypius Savigny Cinereous vulture 5
Aenigmatolimnas J.L. Peters striped crake 1
Aepypodius Oustalet brushturkey 1
Aethia Merrem 7
Aethopyga Cabanis sunbirds 84
Afropavo Chapin Congo peafowl 3
Afrotis GR Gray 6
Agamia Reichenbach herons 5
Agapornis Selby Lovebird 11
Agelaius Vieillot blackbird 16
Agelastes Bonaparte guineafowl 2
Agelasticus Cabanis blackbird 5
Aglaeactis Gould sunbeam 12
Aglaiocercus Zimmer 12
Agraphospiza Zuccon, Prŷs-Jones, Rasmussen & Ericson Blanford's rosefinch 1
Agricola Bonaparte flycatcher 6
Aidemosyne Reichenbach 1
Aix F. Boie Wood Ducks 12
Alauda Linnaeus skylark 18
Alca Linnaeus 8
Alcedo Linnaeus kingfisher 16
Alcippe Blyth fulvetta, alcippe 16
Alcurus Blyth striated bulbul 4
Aleadryas Iredale rufous-naped bellbird
Alectoris Kaup rock partridges 19
Alectroenas G.R. Gray blue pigeon 4
Alectura Latham Australian brushturkey, Australian brush-turkey, gweela 4
Alethe Cassin alethe 1
Alipiopsitta Caparroz and Pacheco parrot
Alisterus Mathews Australasian parrots 7
Alle Link little auk, dovekie 1
Allenia Cory scaly-breasted thrasher 2
Alophoixus Oates finchbill 17
Alopochen Stejneger Egyptian goose 10
Amadina Swainson 10
Amandava Blyth 28
Amaurolimnas Sharpe uniform crake 1
Amaurornis Reichenbach bush-hen 9
Amaurospiza Cabanis seedeater 1
Amazilia Lesson, RP hummingbird 17
Amazilis Gray, GR amazilia hummingbird 2
Amazona Lesson parrot 10
Amazonetta von Boetticher Brazilian teal, Brazilian duck 6
Amblycercus Cabanis yellow-billed cacique 2
Amblyospiza Sundevall Thick-billed weaver 5
Ammodramus Swainson sparrow 9
Ammomanes Cabanis lark 14
Ammoperdix Gould 3
Ammospiza Oberholser sparrow 21
Ampelioides Verreaux Scaled fruiteater 3
Ampelion Tschudi cotinga 5
Amphispiza Coues black-throated sparrow 2
Amytornis Stejneger Grasswrens 21
Anabathmis Reichenow sunbirds 9
Anaplectes Reichenbach weavers 3
Anarhynchus Quoy & Gaimard wrybill 101
Anas Linnaeus 135
Anastomus Bonnaterre openbill stork 17
Andigena Gould mountain toucans 6
Androdon Gould tooth-billed hummingbird 3
Andropadus Swainson sombre greenbul 4
Anhima Brisson horned screamer 9
Anhinga Brisson darters, anhingas, snakebirds 42
Anisognathus Reichenbach 15
Anodorhynchus Spix parrot 13
Anomalospiza Shelley cuckoo-finch 2
Anopetia Simon 1
Anorrhinus Reichenbach hornbill 6
Anous Stephens noddy 19
Anser Brisson shelduck 55
Anthipes Blyth flycatcher 6
Anthobaphes Cabanis orange-breasted sunbird 5
Anthocephala Cabanis & Heine blossomcrown 2
Anthochaera Vigors & Horsfield wattlebird 14
Anthoscopus Cabanis WIKI 4
Anthracoceros Reichenbach hornbill 12
Anthracothorax F. Boie mango 17
Anthreptes Swainson sunbirds 26
Anthropoides Vieillot
Anthus Bechstein Pipit 38
Antigone Reichenbach 35
Antrostomus Bonaparte nightjar, whip-poor-will 23
Apalharpactes Bonaparte trogon 6
Apaloderma Swainson trogon 6
Apalopteron Bonaparte Bonin white-eye 1
Aphelocoma Cabanis jays and scrub jays 25
Aplonis Gould starling 14
Aprosmictus Gould 5
Aptenodytes Miller, JF penguin 15
Aptenorallus Kirchman, McInerney, Giarla, Olson, Slikas & Fleischer Calayan rail
Apus Linnaeus Swift 2
Aquila Brisson Eagle 35
Ara Lacépède macaw 9
Arachnothera Temminck spiderhunters 34
Aramides Pucheran wood rail 22
Aramus Vieillot limpkin 9
Arborophila Hodgson partridge 19
Archilochus Reichenbach 14
Ardea Linnaeus Great Herons 79
Ardenna Reichenbach shearwater 31
Ardeola F. Boie Pond herons 30
Ardeotis Le Maout 11
Arenaria Brisson Turnstone 17
Argusianus Rafinesque great argus 5
Argya Lesson, R babbler 35
Arizelocichla Oberholser golden greenbul 3
Arses Lesson flycatcher 8
Artamella W.L. Sclater white-headed vanga 3
Arundinax Blyth thick-billed warbler 3
Asemospiza K. J. Burns, Unitt & N. A. Mason grassquit 2
Asio Brisson typical owls, Eared Owl 28
Aspatha Lafresnaye blue-throated motmot 1
Astrapia Vieillot astrapia 7
Atelornis Pucheran ground roller 3
Athene F. Boie owl 28
Attagis Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. and Lesson, R seedsnipes 2
Augastes Gould visorbearer 5
Aulacorhynchus Gould Green toucanets 21
Auriparus S.F. Baird WIKI 3
Aviceda Swainson baza 23
Avocettula Reichenbach Fiery-tailed awlbill 1
Aythya F. Boie duck, scaup, pochard 42