List of genera .

Orchidaceae genera

Genera of the Orchidaceae

Browse Detailed list
Genus #images
Rangaeris (Schltr.) Summerh. 4
Rauhiella Pabst & Braga 3
Renanthera Lour. 383
Restrepia Kunth 783
Restrepiella Garay & Dunst. 26
Rhaesteria Summerh.
Rhinerrhiza Rupp 3
Rhinerrhizopsis Ormerod
Rhipidoglossum Schltr. 31
Rhynchogyna Seidenf. & Garay 7
Rhyncholaelia Schltr. 73
Rhynchostele Rchb.f. 202
Rhynchostylis Blume 204
Ridleyella Schltr.
Risleya King & Pantl.
Robiquetia Gaudich. 216
Rodriguezia Ruiz & Pav. 117
Rodrikoa 2
Rossioglossum (Schltr.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. 145
Rudolfiella Hoehne 16