List of genera .

Orchidaceae genera

Genera of the Orchidaceae

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Genus #images
Saccolabiopsis J.J.Sm. 9
Saccolabium Blume 12
Sanderella Kuntze 11
Sansonia Chiron
Santotomasia Ormerod
Sarcanthopsis Garay
Sarcochilus R.Br. 520
Sarcoglyphis Garay 48
Sarcophyton Garay 6
Sarcostoma Blume
Saundersia Rchb.f. 1
Scaphosepalum Pfitzer 341
Scaphyglottis Poepp. & Endl. 112
Schistotylus Dockrill
Schlimia Planch. & Linden 15
Schoenorchis Reinw. ex Blume 170
Schunkea Senghas
Scuticaria Lindl. 41
Sedirisia J.M.H.Shaw
Seegeriella Senghas 3
Seidenfadenia Garay 19
Seidenfadeniella C.S.Kumar
Sertifera Lindl. ex Rchb.f.
Sievekingia Rchb.f. 34
Silvorchis J.J.Sm. 5
Singchia Z.J.Liu & L.J.Chen
Sirhookera Kuntze 7
Smithsonia C.J.Saldanha 9
Smitinandia Holttum 31
Sobennikoffia Schltr. 15
Sobralia Ruiz & Pav. 284
Solenangis Schltr. 6
Solenidium Lindl. 7
Soterosanthus F.Lehm. ex Jenny 4
Spathoglottis Blume 182
Specklinia Lindl. 491
Sphyrarhynchus Mansf.
Spongiola J.J.Wood & A.L.Lamb
Stanhopea J.Frost ex Hook. 943
Stelis Sw. 1070
Stellamaris Mel.Fernández & Bogarín 13
Stenia Lindl. 20
Stenotyla Dressler 4
Stereochilus Lindl. 43
Stereosandra Blume 4
Stichorkis Thouars 42
Stolzia Schltr.
Strongyleria ( Pfitzer ) Schuit. , Y.P.Ng & H.A.Pedersen 37
Suarezia Dodson
Sudamerlycaste Archila 6
Summerhayesia P.J.Cribb
Sutrina Lindl.
Systeloglossum Schltr.