Aliceara Sunday Best orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Aliceara Sunday Best is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Rod McLellan Co. in 1981. It is originated by N.K.Schaffer
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Miltonia spectabilis (50.00%)
  • Brassia arcuigera (25.00%)
  • Oncidium wentworthianum (25.00%)  section: Oblongata 

Alcra. Sunday Best yellow form Jesus M. Figueroa Vigo
Alcra. Sunday Best yellow form Jesus M. Figueroa Vigo
Alcra. Sunday Best yellow form Jesus M. Figueroa Vigo
Alcra. Sunday Best 'Ontario' Deb Boersma
Alcra. Sunday Best Sharonkay Schutjer
Alcra. Sunday Best Lillian LLoyd Wilson
Alcra. Sunday Best yellow form Jesus M. Figueroa Vigo
more ...

Species Ancestors (3)