Oncidium Sharry Baby orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Oncidium Sharry Baby is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by D.O'Flaherty in 1983. It is originated by Beall
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Oncidium leucochilum (37.50%)  section: Stellata 
  • Oncidium sotoanum (25.00%)  section: Rostrata 
  • Oncidium anthocrene (25.00%)  section: Oncidium 

Onc. Sharry Baby Worranittha Koenig
Onc. Sharry Baby Gervais de Matas
Onc. Sharry Baby Rupak Biswas
Onc. Sharry Baby Rupak Biswas
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' CCM/AOS Pim Little
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Yuki Sakura' Emrys Chew
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrant' Pim Little
more ...
Seed Parent
no image
Pollen Parent
no image

Species Ancestors (4)