Guaritonia Rosy Jewel orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Guaritonia Rosy Jewel is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by W.W.G.Moir in 1956.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Guarianthe bowringiana (50.00%)  subgenus Circumvola  section: Moradae 
  • Broughtonia sanguinea (50.00%)

Grt. Rosy Jewel 'Ewa' AM/AOS Ed Merkle
Grt. Rosy Jewel Vinícius Trettel
Grt. Rosy Jewel Claude W. Hamilton
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
Grt. Rosy Jewel Dr Mark Robinson
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
Grt. Rosy Jewel Home Pongyang
more ...

Species Ancestors (2)