Laelonia Joyce Hylton orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Laelonia Joyce Hylton is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Claude Hamilton in 2006.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Broughtonia negrilensis (50.00%)
  • Laelia rubescens (50.00%)  subgenus Laelia  section: Podolaelia 

Lna. Joyce Hylton (name not verified) Worranittha Koenig
Lna. Joyce Hylton Mathew Jose Mathew
Lna. Joyce Hylton (name not verified) Worranittha Koenig
Lna. Joyce Hylton Sriram Kumar
Lna. Joyce Hylton (name not verified) Worranittha Koenig
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Species Ancestors (2)