Eulophia nuda orchid information, .
Eulophia nuda is accepted species in  the family Orchidaceae  subfamily: Epidendroideae, tribe: Cymbidieae, subtribe: Eulophiinae,  
Genus Eulophia 
Infraspecific taxa recognized within Eulophia nuda: infraspecific taxa
This species is found in Trop. & Subtrop. Asia to W. Pacific.
Euph. nuda Kurt Keller
Eulophia spectabilis Anas Sarully
Euph. nuda Kurt Keller
Euph. nuda Kurt Keller
Eulophia spectabilis Naresh Swami
Eulophia spectabilis Bertrand Laville
Eulophia spectabilis Chew Siong Bong
Eulophia spectabilis Frankie Handoyo
Eulophia spectabilis Chew Siong Bong
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