List of ancestors of Cattleya Flapjack Mine

Ancestors of Cattleya Flapjack Mine

Ancestors of Cattleya Flapjack Mine

Ancestors type % Img
Cattleya Venosa hybrid 50% 16
Cattleya Daniel Markell hybrid 50%
Cattleya forbesii species 25% 62
Cattleya loddigesii species 25% 50
Cattleya Martinetii hybrid 25% 2
Cattleya Page Platt hybrid 25%
Cattleya mossiae species 12.5% 79
Cattleya tenebrosa species 12.5% 43
Cattleya Appam hybrid 12.5% 1
Cattleya Hardyana (1896) hybrid 12.5% 19
Cattleya Scylla hybrid 6.25% 1
Cattleya dowiana species 14.06% 24
Cattleya Cappei (1889) hybrid 3.12% 2
Cattleya Lord Rothschild hybrid 3.12% 11
Cattleya warscewiczii species 7.81% 60
Cattleya cinnabarina species 1.56% 13
Cattleya gaskelliana species 1.56% 54