List of ancestors of Cattleya Tropical Chip

Ancestors of Cattleya Tropical Chip

Ancestors of Cattleya Tropical Chip

Ancestors type % Img
Cattleya Tropic Glow hybrid 50% 3
Cattleya Cherry Chip hybrid 50% 2
Cattleya milleri species 25% 15
Cattleya Hawaiian Glow hybrid 25%
Cattleya Eurydice 1 hybrid 12.5%
Cattleya Hawaiian Sunset hybrid 12.5%
Cattleya aclandiae species 6.25% 29
Cattleya labiata species 6.25% 91
Cattleya bicolor species 6.25% 37
Cattleya Calizona hybrid 6.25%
Cattleya Haroldiana hybrid 3.12% 5
Cattleya Triumphans hybrid 3.12% 15
Cattleya Hardyana (1896) hybrid 1.56% 19
Cattleya tenebrosa species 1.56% 43
Cattleya dowiana species 2.34% 24
Cattleya warscewiczii species 0.78% 60
Cattleya rex species 1.56% 26
Cattleya Angelwalker hybrid 25% 3
Cattleya intermedia species 25% 92
Cattleya Little Angel hybrid 12.5% 1
Cattleya walkeriana species 14.06% 74
Cattleya O'Brieniana hybrid 6.25% 2
Cattleya loddigesii species 10.94% 50
Cattleya × dolosa hybrid 3.12% 23