List of ancestors of Cattlianthe Albi

Ancestors of Cattlianthe Albi

Ancestors of Cattlianthe Albi

Ancestors type % Img
Cattlianthe Little Moe hybrid 50%
Cattleya loddigesii species 68.75% 50
Cattlianthe Porcia hybrid 25% 19
Cattleya Priam hybrid 25%
Cattleya Armstrongiae (1907) hybrid 12.5%
Guarianthe bowringiana species 12.5% 61
Cattleya Hardyana (1896) hybrid 6.25% 19
Cattleya dowiana species 3.12% 24
Cattleya warscewiczii species 9.38% 60
Cattleya Callistoglossa hybrid 12.5% 17
Cattleya purpurata species 6.25% 112