List of ancestors of Paranthera Farmway Cracker

Ancestors of Paranthera Farmway Cracker

Ancestors of Paranthera Farmway Cracker

Ancestors type % Img
Paranthera Ahmad Zahab hybrid 50% 1
Renanthera Nancy Chandler hybrid 50% 6
Pararachnis Eric Holttum hybrid 25% 2
Renanthera storiei species 62.5% 30
Arachnis Maggie Oei hybrid 12.5% 35
Paraphalaenopsis denevei species 12.5% 28
Arachnis hookeriana species 6.25% 23
Arachnis flos-aeris species 6.25% 34
Renanthera Brookie Chandler hybrid 25% 2
Renanthera monachica species 12.5% 29