List of ancestors of Vandachostylis Luke Pla

Ancestors of Vandachostylis Luke Pla

Ancestors of Vandachostylis Luke Pla

Ancestors type % Img
Vandachostylis Charles Marden Fitch hybrid 50% 5
Vandachostylis Luke Thai hybrid 50% 2
Vandachostylis Flamingo hybrid 25% 1
Vanda Theptong hybrid 25% 2
Vanda brunnea species 12.5% 19
Vanda coelestis species 37.5%
Vanda Sunkist (1966) hybrid 12.5%
Vanda denisoniana species 25% 50
Vanda sanderiana species 8.59% 83
Vanda Ophelia hybrid 6.25%
Vanda Bill Sutton hybrid 3.12% 1
Vanda curvifolia species 3.12% 25
Vanda Manila hybrid 1.56% 8
Vanda luzonica species 0.78% 25
Vanda Vieng Ping (1973) hybrid 25%
Vanda flabellata species 12.5% 29