List of ancestors of Dendrobium Ban Yinh Jheow

Ancestors of Dendrobium Ban Yinh Jheow

Ancestors of Dendrobium Ban Yinh Jheow

Ancestors type % Img
Dendrobium Emma Mathieu hybrid 50%
Dendrobium Noor Aishah hybrid 50% 2
Dendrobium Medusa hybrid 25% 1
Dendrobium Curlylocks hybrid 25% 2
Dendrobium violaceoflavens species 12.5% 36
Dendrobium discolor species 43.75% 62
Dendrobium Constance hybrid 12.5% 12
Dendrobium lasianthera species 6.25% 50
Dendrobium capra species 25% 17
Dendrobium Champagne hybrid 25% 7
Dendrobium mirbelianum species 12.5% 26