List of ancestors of Guaricattonia Waxy Doll

Ancestors of Guaricattonia Waxy Doll

Ancestors of Guaricattonia Waxy Doll

Ancestors type % Img
Guaricattonia Sogo Doll hybrid 50% 12
Cattlianthe Netrasiri Waxy hybrid 50% 10
Cattleytonia Peggy San hybrid 25% 4
Cattlianthe Katsy Noda hybrid 25%
Cattleya Peggy Huffman hybrid 12.5% 1
Broughtonia sanguinea species 12.5% 34
Cattleya Princess Margaret hybrid 6.25% 3
Cattleya intermedia species 7.81% 92
Cattleya Profusion hybrid 3.12% 3
Cattleya Clotho hybrid 3.12% 1
Cattleya Serbia hybrid 1.56% 2
Cattleya Hardyana (1896) hybrid 1.95% 19
Cattleya Saint Gothard (1908) hybrid 0.78% 3
Cattleya Enid (1898) hybrid 2.34% 11
Cattleya Gottoiana hybrid 0.39% 4
Cattleya warneri species 0.39% 27
Cattleya tenebrosa species 0.98% 43
Cattleya dowiana species 5.27% 24
Cattleya warscewiczii species 2.73% 60
Cattleya mossiae species 3.12% 79
Cattleya trianae species 1.56% 86
Cattleya Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) hybrid 12.5% 7
Cattlianthe Kauai Starbright hybrid 12.5% 7
Cattleya Summer Stars hybrid 6.25% 2
Cattleya guttata species 25% 22
Cattleya Henrietta Japhet hybrid 3.12% 7
Cattleya Claesiana Alba hybrid 3.12% 3
Cattleya Eucharis hybrid 1.56% 1
Cattleya loddigesii species 4.69% 50
Cattleya Cowaniae hybrid 0.78% 1
Cattleya Intertexta hybrid 0.39% 3
Cattleya Flirtie hybrid 6.25%
Cattlianthe Tickety Boo hybrid 6.25%
Cattleya forbesii species 3.12% 62
Cattleya crispata species 3.12% 16
Cattleya Mary Miller hybrid 3.12%
Guarianthe aurantiaca species 15.62% 40
Cattleya Pua Liilii hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Psyche hybrid 1.56% 9
Cattleya Triumphans hybrid 0.78% 15
Cattleya rex species 0.39% 26
Cattleya cinnabarina species 0.98% 13
Cattleya coccinea species 0.78% 44
Cattlianthe Netrasiri Doll hybrid 25% 3
Cattlianthe Netrasiri Fireball hybrid 25% 5
Cattleya Sukanya hybrid 12.5%
Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop hybrid 25% 20
Cattleya luteola species 6.25% 25
Cattleya Edgard Van Belle hybrid 6.25% 2
Cattleya Cloth of Gold hybrid 3.12%
Cattleya Gallipoli hybrid 3.12%
Cattleya Firminii (1909) hybrid 1.56% 1
Cattleya Verviers hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Ceres (1900) hybrid 0.78%
Cattleya Hippolyta hybrid 0.39% 2
Cattleya Purple Emperor hybrid 0.78%
Cattleya Octave Doin hybrid 0.78% 3
Cattleya Callistoglossa hybrid 0.39% 17
Cattleya purpurata species 0.2% 112
Cattleya mendelii species 0.39% 26
Cattleya Carmencita hybrid 1.56% 1
Cattleya Suvla hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Luminosa (1901) hybrid 0.78% 10
Cattleya Endymion hybrid 0.78%
Cattleya gaskelliana species 0.39% 54
Cattleya New Era hybrid 12.5% 1
Cattleya Nigrella hybrid 6.25% 5
Cattleya Fabia (1894) hybrid 4.69% 11
Cattleya Ypres hybrid 3.12%
Cattleya dowiana var. aurea species 2.34% 14
Cattleya labiata species 2.34% 91
Cattleya Mrs. Pitt hybrid 1.56% 6