List of ancestors of Lycaste Gamora Vanity

Ancestors of Lycaste Gamora Vanity

Ancestors of Lycaste Gamora Vanity

Ancestors type % Img
Lycaste Jackie-Bear hybrid 50%
Lycaste Gamora Ablaze hybrid 50%
Lycaste lasioglossa species 34.38% 17
Lycaste Vulcan hybrid 25%
Lycaste Jason hybrid 12.5% 6
Lycaste Wyld Court hybrid 12.5% 1
Lycaste cruenta species 12.11% 7
Lycaste Lucianii hybrid 6.25% 3
Lycaste virginalis species 47.27% 32
Lycaste Royale Flush hybrid 25%
Lycaste Always hybrid 25%
Lycaste Malibu Canyon hybrid 12.5%
Lycaste Koolena hybrid 12.5% 6
Lycaste Auburn hybrid 12.5% 1
Lycaste Aphrodite hybrid 6.25%
Lycaste Balliae hybrid 9.38% 1
Lycaste Sunrise hybrid 18.75%
Lycaste macrophylla species 4.69% 25
Lycaste Imschootiana hybrid 10.16% 3
Lycaste Pluto hybrid 3.12%
Lycaste Midas hybrid 1.56%
Lycaste macrobulbon species 1.56% 7