List of ancestors of Perreiraara Bay Blue Spots

Ancestors of Perreiraara Bay Blue Spots

Ancestors of Perreiraara Bay Blue Spots

Ancestors type % Img
Aeridovanda Reneé Gerber hybrid 50% 4
Vanda coelestis species 50%
Vanda Bonanza hybrid 25%
Aerides lawrenceae species 25% 19
Vanda Pukele hybrid 12.5% 1
Vanda Meda Arnold hybrid 12.5% 3
Vanda Betsy Sumner hybrid 6.25%
Vanda sanderiana species 12.5% 83
Vanda Faustii hybrid 3.12% 1
Vanda Gilbert Triboulet hybrid 1.56% 19
Vanda luzonica species 1.56% 25
Vanda coerulea species 3.91% 53
Vanda tricolor species 0.78% 56
Vanda curvifolia species 6.25% 25
Vanda Rothschildiana hybrid 6.25% 38