List of ancestors of Dendrobium Ong Boh Lee

Ancestors of Dendrobium Ong Boh Lee

Ancestors of Dendrobium Ong Boh Lee

Ancestors type % Img
Dendrobium HCH Corner House hybrid 50% 6
Dendrobium lasianthera species 81.25% 50
Dendrobium Goodwood Park Hotel Singapore hybrid 25% 6
Dendrobium Sunplaza Park hybrid 12.5% 1
Dendrobium violaceoflavens species 12.5% 36
Dendrobium Anita hybrid 6.25%
Dendrobium Louisae hybrid 3.12% 2
Dendrobium bigibbum var. superbum species 3.12% 22
Dendrobium bigibbum var. schroederianum species 1.56% 18
Dendrobium lineale species 1.56% 41