List of ancestors of Lycida Hativels

Ancestors of Lycida Hativels

Ancestors of Lycida Hativels

Ancestors type % Img
Lycida Blanches Banques hybrid 50%
Lycida Mont de Ouaisne hybrid 50%
Lycaste Avranches hybrid 25%
Ida ariasii species 50% 1
Lycaste Koolena hybrid 12.5% 6
Lycaste Amaroo hybrid 31.25%
Lycaste Auburn hybrid 28.12% 1
Lycaste virginalis species 35.55% 32
Lycaste Balliae hybrid 14.06% 1
Lycaste Sunrise hybrid 29.69%
Lycaste macrophylla species 7.03% 25
Lycaste Imschootiana hybrid 14.84% 3
Lycaste cruenta species 7.42% 7
Lycaste Rocheport hybrid 25%
Lycaste Bouley Bay hybrid 12.5%