List of Paphiopedilum Wincheck offsprings

Progenies of Paphiopedilum Wincheck

Progenies of Paphiopedilum Wincheck

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Paphiopedilum Nootka Paphiopedilum Winston Churchill Paphiopedilum Wincheck 50%
Paphiopedilum Piro Paphiopedilum Solar Flame Paphiopedilum Wincheck 50%
Paphiopedilum High Roller Paphiopedilum Wincheck Paphiopedilum Coral Sea 50%
Paphiopedilum Morning Thunder Paphiopedilum Wincheck Paphiopedilum Thunder Bay 50%
Paphiopedilum Scarlet Dancer Paphiopedilum Wincheck Paphiopedilum Flashdance 50%