List of Vandachostylis Blue Angel offsprings

Progenies of Vandachostylis Blue Angel

Progenies of Vandachostylis Blue Angel

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Rhynchofadanda Porchina Blue Vandachostylis Blue Angel Seidenfadenia mitrata 50%
Vandachostylis Princess Ann Vanda Evening Glow Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vanchoanthe Wong Chee Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Corbettara Ivan Ang Vandachostylis Blue Angel Tapranthera Gold Nugget 50%
Joannara Jetstar Renantanda Violet Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vandachostylis Clara Angel Vanda Clara Shipman Fisher Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Ramasamyara Rama Arachnis flos-aeris Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vandachostylis Bluebird (1972) Vanda Yip Sum Wah Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vandachostylis Susan Vandachostylis Blue Angel Vanda Meda Arnold 50%
Yapara Zany Vandachostylis Blue Angel Phalaenopsis Rosetta Wittorf 50%
Vandachostylis Galen Kanayama Vanda Hilo Blue Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vandachostylis Wong Yoke Sim Vanda Rothschildiana Vandachostylis Blue Angel 50%
Vandachostylis Tham Yuen Hae Vandachostylis Blue Angel Vanda Ophelia 50% 2
Vandachostylis Midnight Treasure Vandachostylis Tham Yuen Hae Vandachostylis Broga Bluebell 31% 4