List of Cattlianthe Little Fairy offsprings

Progenies of Cattlianthe Little Fairy

Progenies of Cattlianthe Little Fairy

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Rhyncattleanthe Netrasiri Starbright Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 7
Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Discovery Rhyncholaeliocattleya Tzeng-Wen Beauty Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Sweet Rhyncattleanthe Ahchung Yoyo Cattlianthe Little Fairy 75%
Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Bird Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncattleanthe Shinfong Little Love 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Shiang-Chuen Wreath Rhyncattleanthe Shiang-Chuen Radar Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Homg Dar Rose Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncholaeliocattleya Taiwan Queen 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Imp Rhyncholaeliocattleya Village Chief North Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Taiwan Cranberry Punch Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncattleanthe Harng Tay 50% 1
Cattlianthe Dancing Fairy Cattlianthe Dancing Daffodil Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 5
Rhyncattleanthe One Love Rhyncattleanthe Pukalani Golden Star Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 2
Rhyncattleanthe Fairy Tales Rhyncattleanthe Young-Min Orange Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 3
Rhyncattleanthe Miki Fire Ball Rhyncholaeliocattleya Kat E-Sun Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 4
Proguarleya Vigour Fairy Cattleychea Siam Jade Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Gold Rhyncattleanthe Burana Beauty Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50% 1
Proguarleya Vigour Green Bird Proguarleya Lemon Trick Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Picachou Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Starbeauty Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Golden Fairy Rhyncholaeliocattleya Greenwich Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Kinmen Taiwushan Rhyncattleanthe Guanmiau Homei Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Chi Mei Boy Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncholaeliocattleya Husky Boy 50%
Guaricattonia Juan Yi Fairy Guaricattonia Sogo Doll Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Chomyong Fairy Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncattleanthe Chomyong Beauty 50% 4
Guaricattonia Juan Yi Red Ball Guaritonia Why Not Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe River Kwai Bridge Rhyncattleanthe Nell Hammer Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Nel Sweet Rhyncattleanthe Nell Hammer Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Sweet 38%
Rhyncattleanthe Vigour Sweet Discover Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Discovery Rhyncattleanthe Village Chief Sweet 63%
Rhyncattleanthe Chialin Little Emperor Rhyncattleanthe Shinfong Little Sun Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Cattlianthe Flower Galaxy Cattleya Jun Menq Spots Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Laeliocatanthe Sunset Party Laeliocattleya Angel Heart Cattlianthe Little Fairy 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Imperio del Sol Cattlianthe Little Fairy Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chia Lin 50%