List of Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow offsprings

Progenies of Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow

Progenies of Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Galeopetalum Midnight Magic Zygopetalum Imagination Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow 50% 2
Galeopetalum After Dark Zygopetalum Helen-Ku Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow 50%
Galeopetalum Intergalactic Zygopetalum Big Country Galeopetalum Koolau Rainbow 50%
Galeopetalum Memoria Loren Batchman Galeopetalum Midnight Magic Galeopetalum Loren's Fandango 38% 1