List of Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora offsprings

Progenies of Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora

Progenies of Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Rhyncattleanthe Di Ciommo Cesar Rhyncholaeliocattleya Little Magician Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Mina Feliciano Rhyncattleanthe Carolina Orange D'Or Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Exotic Angel Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora Rhyncattleanthe Burana Angel 50% 3
Rhyncattleanthe Exotic Aurora Rhyncattleanthe Martha Clarke Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Aurora Splash Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora Rhyncattleanthe Burana Ball 50%
Cattlianthe Memoria Clara Molnar Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora Cattlianthe Aussie Sunset 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Kathryn Sherman Rhyncattleanthe Circle of Love Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50% 1
Cattlianthe Aurora Born Cattleya Circle of Life Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Cattlianthe Exotic Tropical Dipper Cattleya Little Dipper Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50% 1
Rhyncattleanthe Aurora Rose Rhyncholaeliocattleya Winners' Circle Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Iveth Vargas Rhyncattleanthe Martha's Charm Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Benjamin Reder Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fordyce Prelude Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Memoria Isabel Villanueva Alonso Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora Rhyncholaeliocattleya Little Toshie 50%
Rhyncattleanthe Tropical Aurora-Fantasy Circle Cattlianthe Tropical Aurora Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fantasy Circle 50% 1