List of Lycaste aromatica offsprings

Progenies of Lycaste aromatica

Progenies of Lycaste aromatica

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Lycaste Spring Dream Lycaste Spring Zephyr Lycaste Spring Star 38%
Lycaste Spring Honey Lycaste Spring Star Lycaste Honeybee 44%
Lycaste groganii Lycaste aromatica Lycaste deppei 50% 7
Lycaste Groganii Lycaste aromatica Lycaste deppei 50% 5
Lycaste Spectabilis Lycaste aromatica Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycazella Joseph Arditti Warczewiczella discolor Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Benalla Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Corrimal Lycaste aromatica Lycaste macrophylla 50% 1
Angulocaste Symphony Anguloa cliftonii Lycaste aromatica 50% 2
Lycaste Oro Columbiano Lycaste schilleriana Lycaste aromatica 50% 1
Lycaste Cool Summer Lycaste tricolor Lycaste aromatica 50% 3
Lycaste Yoko's Sister Lycaste cruenta Lycaste aromatica 50% 11
Lycaste Taurus Lycaste brevispatha Lycaste aromatica 50% 6
Lycaste Zephyr Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton 50%
Angulocaste Montalembert Anguloa clowesii Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Fairy Gold Lycaste aromatica Lycaste × michelii 50%
Lycaste Roville aux Chênes Lycaste × smeeana Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Chorus Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycida Topaz Lycaste aromatica Ida barringtoniae (syn) 50%
Lycaste Aroma Elfin Lycaste Elfin Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycida Aroma Delight Lycida Multiple Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Nobuo Lycaste Rowland Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Ruby Lights Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Auburn 50%
Angulocaste Summer Yellow Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste aromatica 50% 4
Lycaste Pieces of Eight Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Tahune 50%
Lycaste Cinnamon Pie Lycaste crinita Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Yellow Orb Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Golden Emperor 50%
Lycida Aroma Gold Lycaste aromatica Lycida Geyser Gold 50%
Lycaste Boscia Lemon Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Abou First Spring 50%
Anglyda Hong Linwu Anglyda Red Jewel Lycaste aromatica 50%
Lycaste Spring Zephyr Lycaste Spring Bouquet Lycaste aromatica 63%
Lycaste Fairy Lamp Lycaste Yoko's Sister Lycaste aromatica 75%
Lycaste Honeybee Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Zephyr 75%
Lycaste Golden Ray Lycaste Groganii Lycaste aromatica 75%