List of Renanthera bella offsprings

Progenies of Renanthera bella

Progenies of Renanthera bella

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Renanthera Wynn McPheeters Renanthera bella Renanthera monachica 50% 2
Renanthera Shim Tet Chon Renanthera storiei Renanthera bella 50%
Renanthera Singapore Botanic Gardens Renanthera Kalsom Renanthera bella 50%
Renanthera Ng Chong Teng Renanthera bella Renanthera Nancy Chandler 50%
Renanthera Penang Renanthera philippinensis Renanthera bella 50%
Renanopsis Naohiro Ando Renanthera bella Vandopsis gigantea 50%
Renantanda JoAnne Hartzler Vanda denisoniana Renanthera bella 50%
Renanthera Donna Burch Renanthera Akihito Renanthera bella 50%
Renaglottis Ricky Martin Renanthera bella Trichoglottis loheriana 50%
Renanthera Memoria Robin Musolino Renanthera imschootiana Renanthera bella 50%
Pararenanthera Penang's Scarlet Lady Renanthera bella Paraphalaenopsis labukensis 50% 3
Renanthera Woodland Renanthera Summit Red Devil Renanthera bella 50%
Renanthopsis Taiwan Purple Gem Renanthera bella Phalaenopsis Purple Gem 50% 2
Renanthopsis Michael Vincenzo Saccucci Renanthera bella Phalaenopsis equestris 50%
Renanstylis Arizona Star Renanthera bella Rhynchostylis gigantea 50% 1
Renanthera Hsinying Cheetah Renanthera bella Renanthera John Losgar 50% 1