List of ancestors of Oncidesa Tariflor Champagne

Ancestors of Oncidesa Tariflor Champagne

Ancestors of Oncidesa Tariflor Champagne

Ancestors type % Img
Gomesa Golden Shower hybrid 50%
Oncidium Green Valley Sweet hybrid 50%
Gomesa Palolo Gold hybrid 25%
Gomesa Boissiense hybrid 27.54% 5
Gomesa Nonamyre hybrid 12.5%
Gomesa varicosa species 31.93% 21
Gomesa Nona hybrid 6.25%
Gomesa Sultamyre hybrid 6.25%
Gomesa imperatoris-maximiliani species 3.12% 14
Gomesa Sultane hybrid 3.12%
Gomesa Palmyre hybrid 3.12%
Gomesa Farandole hybrid 2.34%
Gomesa forbesii species 14.36% 32
Gomesa Comtesse de Bretonne hybrid 1.95%
Gomesa Mantinii hybrid 1.17%
Gomesa marshalliana species 0.59% 5
Gomesa Saladin hybrid 1.56%
Oncidium John Louis Shirah hybrid 25% 3
Oncidium Auntie Baby hybrid 25%
Oncidium hyphaematicum species 12.5% 5
Oncidium sotoanum species 15.62% 27
Oncidium Sharry Baby hybrid 12.5% 23
Oncidium Auntie Bea hybrid 12.5%
Oncidium Jamie Sutton hybrid 6.25%
Oncidium Honolulu hybrid 6.25%
Oncidium anthocrene species 3.12% 1
Oncidium Moir hybrid 3.12%
Oncidium leucochilum species 10.94% 12
Oncidium altissimum species 7.81% 7